Download and Make Your Own Magnetic Stories & Rhymes Teaching Resources
It's so easy to create your own early childhood teaching resources resources from our downloads, we provide the quality graphics ready for you to laminate, add a magnet and your done ! Many of our resources come with 'extra's features that create an integrated teaching & learning resource are based on familiar stories and rhymes, designed to stimulate children’s imaginations and encourage a love of learning, while having fun. Select and order your new Story Resources online today,.
Kids love these quirky graphic that are fun, colourful and last for years
Te Whaariki Learning Objectives
Our Te Whaariki (1996) resources are highly acclaimed as 'the resource that every early childhood teacher should have' Feedback, from teachers at all stages of their careers is most commonly ‘how much easier they make my job'. With copyright and DRM owned by Story Resources this is the only place you'll find them and we know you’ll find them invaluable.
If paying by credit card - all resources are available via immediate download. If paying by bank - there is a 1-2 days delay while your payment is confirmed.
Featured Products
Currant Buns Sprinkle Sequencing File Folder Activity
Basing new math concepts on the familiar make this is an excellent resource for near 5's or as a&nbs..
Hairy Spiders 2 Rhyme
There are 2 magnetic spider rhymes in this set early childhood resource just waiting for your child ..
1 Little Elephant Balancing Rhyme
Un-like most early childhood magnet rhymes this resource counts upward from 1 to 6. The colour disti..
Little Birds Rhyme
So often we teach the numbers 1 - 5 but its important to extend the children passed this point, th..
5 Little Penguins Rhyme
Sing along with these busy little penguins who have a big day out! Ruby Rhyme Download Include..
Froggie Jump High Early Childhood Rhyme
You shouldn’t have any trouble getting our little froggies jumping high and low with this great we..
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Along with the story and pictures are some colour coded lables for Papa, Mama, Baby Bear & ..
5 Currant Buns
Here's a song the preschoolers never seem to tire of. These yummy currant buns with their colourful ..
Integrated teaching resources based on familiar stories and rhymes. Our range of unique teaching resources is designed to stimulate children’s imaginations and encourage a love of learning, while having fun. Select and order your new Story Resources online today, no matter where you live in the world we have a delivery option for you.
Preschoolers have the most amazing imaginations, and create their own amazing stories. To develop the love of stories even further, and aid in the development of literacy and numeracy skills the addition of early childhood educational resources bring stories and rhymes to life and create extended learning opportunities that can become a lifelong passion. As teachers we know that children learn best when using a range of teaching and learning strategies. Children engaged in preschool activities which relate to their own world and builds on prior knowledge have a higher likelihood of successfully learning and using that new information and strategies in other areas. Story Resources takes this research into account when developing teaching and learning resources for preschoolers and early childhood centres, and you’ll find our resources catering for a range of teaching and learning styles that integrate literacy and numeracy across the early childhood curriculum. Each magnet resource has its own set of full colour digitally drawn graphics with a specific focus and learning objectives. Many resources also incorporate extended learning opportunities, and some have extra activities that can be downloaded from this website.
Our Te Whaariki (1996) resources are highly acclaimed as 'the resource that every early childhood teacher should have' Feedback, from teachers at all stages of their careers is most commonly ‘how much easier they make my job'. With copyright and DRM owned by Story Resources this is the only place you'll find them. Each set has taken months and months of hard work, but the effort has been so rewarding, we know you’ll find them invaluable.
Prices are in NZ$, and all resources are available via immediate download.